My webpage about birth
- Very interesting paper about brain damage due to asphyxia at birth. In the paper it is argued, based on
10+ years of experiments with rhesus monkees and autopsies on (human) children, that asphyxia to the level that resuscitation is
needed after expulsion ALWAYS results in permanent brain damage. This damage expresses itself in rhesus monkeys as reduced dexterity
and loss of vitality at maturity, in comparison to monkeys who were not exposed to asphyxia. There is no ground for the position that
the same does NOT hold for humans.
Asphyxia arises as a rule during birth in supine position, which is default in hospitals. During home birth of a first born in supine,
it is likely to arise if the birth process from contractions until expulsion takes too long. The risk is heightened if the birth process
is interrupted due to the presence and disturbing influence of unfamiliar faces or agitated persons.